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Possum Exams - Chemist


Pass “Chemist” knowledge exam at an exam terminalVálaszolj az exam kérdésekre
Acquire a beakerSzerezz be egy lombik üveget 
Acquire a Bunsen burnerSzerezz be egy kémiai égőt
Acquire a lab coatSzerezz be egy labor köpenyt
Acquire a microscopeSzerezz be egy mikroszkópot
Acquire a test tubeSzerezz be egy kémiai üveg tubust
Craft Baseball Grenades (x/3)Gyárts Baseball gránátot 
Craft Cryo Grenades (x/3)Gyárts 3 Cryo Gránátot
Craft Frag Grenades (x/3)Gyárts 3 Frag Gránátot
Craft HalluciGen Gas Grenades (x/3)Gyárts 3 Hallucigen Gas Gránátot
Craft Molotov Cocktails (x/3)Gyárts 3 Molotov koktélt
Craft Plasma Grenades (x/3)Gyárts 3 Plasma Gránátot
Craft Pulse Grenades (x/3)Gyárts 3 Pulse gránátot
Craft Pumpkin Grenades (x/3)Gyárts 3 Pumpkin Gránátot
Craft Any SerumGyárts 1 mutáció szérumot*
Use Any SerumHasználj el 1 mutációs szérumot
Cure Addictions (x/3)Gyógyítsd 3 függőségedet*
Use Photomode at Arktos PharmaHasználd a fotó módot az Arktos Pharma
Use Photomode at AVR Medical CenterHasználd a fotómódot AVR Medical Center
Use Photomode at Dyer ChemicalHasználd a fotó módot a Dyer Chemical
Use Photomode at Kanawha Nuka-Cola PlantHasználd a fotó módot a Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant
Use Photomode at West Tek Research CenterHasználd a fotó módot a West Tek Research Center
Shoot a Radstag with a SyringerLőj meg egy szarvast Syringerrel
Shoot a Wolf with a SyringerLőj meg egy Farkast Syringerrel
Shoot a Yao Guai with a SyringerLőj meg egy Medvét Syringerrel

*Mutáció szérumot a Whitespring bunkerben tudsz vásárolni, kicsit borsos áron a leghátsó modustól.
*A függőségedet Addictol-lal tudod gyógyítani.
Exams - Válaszok: 

 Alison has a test tomorrow but hasn't had any time to study. She panics, and decides to take a chem to make sure she does well. Which chem did she probably take?
 - Mentats

Ancient alchemists once tried to turn lead into gold. It sounds silly, but chemicals actually transform all the time! What do you call the process by which one chemical becomes another?
 - A chemical reaction

Before our vehicles ran on the fission battery, we used a totally different source of power. What chemical did we used to use to power our vehicles?
 - Petroleum

Careful, kids! Mentats can be tempting to use because they come in many tasty flavors. Which of the following is NOT a flavor of Mentats?
 - Lime

Careful, kids. Event "smart" people may fall prey to illicit chem addiction. What chem -- best avoided -- has become popular with some "intellectuals"?
 - Daddy-O

Chemicals can have all kinds of side effects. Where is the safest place to work with chemicals that give off toxic fumes?
 - Under a fume hood with the ventilation system turned on

Chemistry has shown us that the whole world is made up of tiny base elements. Chemists have compiled a handy list of these elements. What's this list called?
 - The Periodic Table of Elements

Clever chemists can mix their chems together to get something entirely new. What chem is the result of mixing Buffout with Mentats?
 - Bufftats

Even the most useful chems have side effects, and a good Scout needs to stay informed about what they're taking. What are the only known side effects of Radaway, for instance?
 - Increased hunger and thirst

In a pinch, what two components can you use to create gunpowder?
 - Cloth and acid

It's important to know the key components of important chems in the event of an emergency. Antiseptic, blood, and steel are all combined to make which chem?
 - Stimpak

Richard is an amateur metalworker, and works with ore at his chemistry station, in addition to chemicals. Which chemical might Richard have that would be useful for working with ore?
 - Acid

Safety first! While working in the lab, horseplay is
 - Never acceptable

Safety is of the utmost importance to a good chemist. When working at a chemistry station, make sure you always wear which of the following?
 - All of the above

Some materials (especially nuclear ones) can be unstable, and are dangerous to work with. Which of the following is an example of an unstable material?
 - Raw fluorescent flux

Uh-oh! Franklin just splashed his eyes with an unknown chemical while working at his chemistry station. What should he do right away?
 - Find the nearest eye wash station and begin flushing his eyes for 15 minutes

Wesley is about to start working with nuclear materials. He can take a chem to reduce the effects of radiation while he works. Which chem should he take before handling the materials?
 - Rad-X

You can't always expect to have the right amount chems at the right time. In the event of an emergency, Stimpaks, Radaway, and Rad-X can be diluted with what?
 - Purified water

Your best friend, Chris, has been going to the gym a lot lately and has become addicted to Buffout. What can you give him to ween him off this horrible drug?
 - Addictol

Your dad is working in the garage on his brand new Chryslus Cherry Bomb when you notice a crack in the nuclear material housing. Radiation's leaking out, and your dad is irradiated! Which chem could potentially save his life?
 - Radaway


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