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Tadpole Exams - Medic

 Alfonso is earning spending money by working in the Garrahan coal mines after school. His father Ricardo is a mine worker, and is always coughing and wheezing. What condition is Alfonso risking by working in the mines?
 - Black lung

Believe it or not, blood cells come in several different colors! Which of these is a type of blood cell?
 - White

Brendan is at the firing range when Samuel accidentally clips him with a live round from his shotgun! He's lost a lot of blood. What will you do to restore it?
 - Hook up a blood pack intravenously

Hannah is afraid of fireworks. At last year's Fourth of July celebration, a faulty firework exploded right behind her! Now loud sounds make her jump and shiver. What do you call this condition?
 - Shell Shock

Mary works at the steel mill after school. One day, a heavy piece of equipment falls and makes a big gash on her thigh! Which of these muscles did she just injure?
 - Rectus femoris

Samuel drank some icky water from a pond on a hiking trip. Now he's feeling awful! He has diarrhea, stomach pains, and fluid loss. Which disease might Samuel have contracted?
 - Dysentery

Susie is playing in her tree house. She loses her balance and falls to the ground, breaking the bone in her upper arm, below her shoulder. Which bone did Susie break?
 - Humerus

Susie's grandmother is comatose on life support. As her physician, her fate is in your hands. What is the ethical decision?
 - Let her family decide

The day has come and the bombs have fallen. Where do you go to stay safe from the radiation?
 - My designated Vault-Tec vault

The other scouts are excited for your field trip to the Poseidon Energy Plant, but you're worried about the effects of radiation. What do you do?
 - Stop worrying, as nuclear power is 100% safe and effective

We use the rod of a mythical figure as the symbol of the medical profession. Which figure?
 - Asclepius

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of radiation sickness?
 - Hydrophobia

Which of the following is NOT a type of cancer?
 - Hemophilia

Which of the following is NOT a type of physician?
 - Astrologist

While rock climbing on a scout trip, you lose your grip and take a tumble, injuring your arm. You decide to apply a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Where do you tie the tourniquet?
 - A few inches above the wound

You and Richard are mountain biking when he hits a rock and tumbles into a tree, breaking his leg! What tool do you use to hold the bone in place until help arrives?
 - A splint

You come across a hopeless chem addict while doing good deeds around town. The addict begs you for money or chems. How do you respond?
 - Treat her with Addictol

You're helping Mr. Hannock cross the street when he doubles over clutching his chest! This is a symptom of which of the following?
 - Heart attack

You're preparing for a hiking trip and want to make some healing salves in case of injury. Which of these could you use as an ingredient?
 - Bloodleaf

You're the on-duty medic at the archery range. Ricky goes out to retrieve his arrow during live fire and is shot through the knee! What do you do?
 - Call an ambulance!


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