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Possum Exams - Musican


Pass “Musician” knowledge exam at an exam terminalVálaszolj az exams kérdésekre
Complete the “One Violent Night” eventVégezd el a One Violent night eventet
Kill enemies with a musical instrument (x/30)Ölj meg 30 ellenséget hangszerrel
Build a juke box in a workshop or C.A.M.P.Kempeden vagy workshopban építs: Juke boxot
Build a radio in a workshop or C.A.M.P.Radio -rádiót
Build a piano in a workshop or C.A.M.P.Piano - zongorát
Build a wind instrument in a workshop or C.A.M.P.Wind - fújós hangszert
Build a wood instrument in a workshop or C.A.M.P.wood - fa hangszert
Play an acoustic guitarJátsz: acoustic gitáron
Play a bassbass
Play a snare drumsnare drum - dobon
Play any musical instrument at The NukashineJátsz zenét Nukashoineban
Play any musical instrument at The Rusty PickJátsz zenét The Rusty Pickben
Play any musical instrument at Watoga HighschoolJátsz zenét Watoga highschoolban
Válaszok - exams: 

 Alfonso is learning the old-fashioned accordion, a goofy-looking instrument with keys and buttons. It's so complicated, he's not even sure what kind of instrument it is! What class of instrument is the accordion?
 - An aerophone

Ancient philosophers thought that the universe moved to a musical harmony, and even gave it a special name. What did they call the harmony of the universe?
 - The Music of the Spheres

Brendan plays saxophone in a jazz band. He loves jazz because it's unique and all-American. What's something special that really makes jazz different from most music?
 - Improvisation

Erin and her friends are starting a band, and Erin wants to be the singer. There's a special name for someone who sings in a band. What's is it?
 - A vocalist

Hannah is conducting an orchestra. That's a big job! What does she use to direct the orchestra's performance?
 - Hand gestures

James loves marching music, especially military marches. His favorite composer is John Philip Sousa, because of the famous military marches he wrote. What's a popular nickname for John Philip Sousa?
 - The March King

Like any good patriot, Susie's favorite song is the US national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner". Who wrote the lyrics?
 - Francis Scott Key

Marching bands play in all kinds of places! Susie wants to join the school marching band and go see the world. Where might Susie expect to play her music?
 - All of the above

Mary loves classical music, especially music by Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven was an important classical composer of which era?
 - The Romantic era

Samuel is learning to read sheet music, but he can't remember all the notation and asks you for help. Some notes are marked with a "#". How do you play those, again?
 - Sharp

Samuel likes music, but his clumsy hands make it hard for him to play an instrument well. He's decided to study music in school, instead. The study of music has its own special name. What is it called?
 - Musicology

Susie loves to sing and can reach really high notes because she was born with a voice that can reach a higher range. What voice type does she have?
 - Soprano

The British made up a song to make fun of our brave forefathers, but now it's as a patriotic hymn! How ironic! Which song?
 - Yankee Doodle

The Founding Fathers didn't want America to have a king, but we got one anyway, so to speak. Who do we call "the King" of Rock n' Roll?
 - Elvis Presley

You and Mark are singing along to a great song, but something sounds off. Mark can barely follow along, and doesn't remember any of the verses, even though he's heard them before. What condition might Mark be suffering from?
 - Tone deafness

You receive a brand new drum set as a gift for your birthday, and it came with more than just drums, too! Your drum set has another percussion instrument attached. Which instrument?
 - Cymbals

You're jamming out on your electric guitar, but you can't seem to jam loud enough! You need something to make your music louder. What can you use for this?
 - An amplifier

You're learning to play the recorder in class, and the teacher instructs you to play a scale. How are the notes sorted in a musical scale?
 - By pitch

You're reading some sheet music to get a feel for the song you'll be playing next. There's always some notation at the start of a piece. What does it tell you about the song?
 - Its tempo

You're singing your favorite song aloud in the shower, but without any music you don't sound too great. Some people can sing really well, even without instruments. What do you call singing without instruments?
 - A cappella

Your music teacher wants to take her class and form an orchestra. What on earth is an orchestra?
 - A big group of people playing different instruments


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