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Tadpole Exams- Swimmer

 Billy is running around Wavy Willard's Water Park when the lifeguard blows a whistle and points at
 him. What should Billy do?
 - Immediately stop running to avoid slipping on a slick surface

It's a late night at summer camp and you can't sleep so you decide to go for a swim in the lake. As you leave, your swimming instructor angrily yells at you. What did you do wrong?
 - You forgot that swimming while it's dark outside is always a bad idea

Little Lizzie is scared of swimming in the local community pool. What aspect of swimming pools should she actually be concerned about?
 - The water is too deep for some non-swimmers

Steve the troublemaker is trying to trick people into thinking his made-up swimming stroke is real. What is the name of this obviously fake stroke?
 - Speed Stroke

Suzie is a beginner swimmer who is nervous about getting in the water. You teach her several techniques to stay afloat without an aid, which makes her feel better. Which is NOT one of those techniques?
 - Flailing

The impossible happens and the evil commies manage to launch a nuke on American soil! How does this impact your swimming routines?
 - All water sources are likely to be heavily irradiated, so swimming should be avoided

Timothy is bragging about all the health benefits he gets from being a regular swimmer. At what point in his tiresome prattle do you smugly stop and correct him?
 - The long-winded conclusion declaring the prevention of bacterial infections His declaration about the water giving him baby soft skin

What is the correct way to revive a drowning victim?
 - Turn the victim's head to the side to drain water, then back to the center for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

What is the primary purpose of a swimming buddy?
 - To have someone that can alert the lifeguard in the case of an emergency

Which is the proper way to breathe while swimming?
 - Alternate between having your face in the water and rhythmically breathing between strokes

Which of the following is NOT an authorized aquatic Pioneer Scout activity?
 - Breath-holding competition

Which of the following is NOT one of the risks unique to swimming in open waters like lakes, rivers and oceans?
 - Limited visibility

Which of the following is best to consume before a swimming session in order to keep your energy up?
 - A light snack

You find yourself struggling against a river current after your canoe tips over! Which of the following is bad advice to follow in this situation?
 - Give up and drown

You see Billy struggling to stay afloat in the swimming pool. You want to help him but you just dried off! Which is NOT a non-swimming rescue technique?
 - Talk

You're assigned the task of inspecting all of the life jackets being handed out to your fellow scouts. Which is NOT something that you need to verify during the inspection?
 - The jackets are all the required shade of orange

You're in a fishing vessel off the coast when the boat capsizes! You remember the words of your Pioneer Scout swim instructor and start to survival float! What are you doing?
 - Face-down in the water with hands out and palms down, lifting your head to take deep breaths

You're vacationing at Summersville Lake and decide to dive into the water - what fun! But wait - how deep did the swimming instructor say the water should be before attempting a dive?
 - A minimum of 7 feet deep should keep you safe!

Your friend Marie asks for a stick of gum before her swim. How do you respond?
 - Refuse to give her one, as chewing gum while swimming is a dangerous choking hazard

Your strange friend Miguel is a major hypochondriac, and has given you a giant list of health concerns he has with swimming. Which item on his list can you say he definitely shouldn't worry about?
 - Xerophobia


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