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Possum Exams - Collector


Pass “Collector” knowledge exam at an exam terminal - Válaszolj az exam kérdésekre
 - Acquire azaz, gyűjtsd be ezeket: 
Acquire Nuka-Cola flavors: Nuka-Cola
Acquire Nuka-Cola flavors: Nuka-Cherry
Acquire Nuka-Cola flavors: Nuka-Cola Dark
Acquire Nuka-Cola flavors: Nuka-Cola Orange
Acquire Nuka-Cola flavors: Nuka-Cola Quantum
Acquire Nuka-Cola flavors: Nuka-Cola Wild
Acquire Nuka-Cola flavors: Nuka-Grape
 - Holotapes:
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: Who Goes There? – Part 1
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: Who Goes There? – Part 2
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: The Beast of Grafton – Part 1
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: The Beast of Grafton – Part 2
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: The Mothman Cometh – Part 1
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: The Mothman Cometh – Part 2
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: Sideshow Snallygaster – Part 1
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: Sideshow Snallygaster – Part 2
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: Curse of the Wendigo – Part 1
Acquire Tales from the West Virginia Hills: Curse of the Wendigo – Part 2
 - Plüss macik:
Acquire Teddy Bears: Teddy Bear
Acquire Teddy Bears: Bubblegum Bear
Acquire Teddy Bears: Bumblebear
Acquire Teddy Bears: Comrade Chubs
Acquire Teddy Bears: Imported Chinese Panda
Acquire Teddy Bears: Lil’ Ginger Snuggles
Acquire Teddy Bears: Pristine Teddy Bear
Acquire Teddy Bears: Quantum Bear
Acquire Teddy Bears: Radbear
Acquire Teddy Bears: Stuffed Grizzly
Acquire Teddy Bears: Stuffed Polar Bear
Acquire Teddy Bears: Teddy Fear
 - Újságok: 
Acquire Unstoppables magazines: Unstoppables 1
Acquire Unstoppables magazines: Unstoppables 2
Acquire Unstoppables magazines: Unstoppables 3
Acquire Unstoppables magazines: Unstoppables 4
Acquire Unstoppables magazines: Unstoppables 5

Válaszok - Exams: 

 Anna likes to collect Teddy bears. Her most prized possession is a bear that was recalled in 2072 for being too terrifying! Which bear is this?
 - Teddy Fear

Astounding Awesome Tales Issue 10 features the first appearance of which character?
 - The Starlet Sniper

Erin collects spooky holotape series in her free time. Which popular holotape series features the cryptids of West Virginia?
 - Tales From West Virginia

Guns and Bullets is dedicated to all things weapons. They once even predicted the "weapon of tomorrow". Which type of weapon did they predict would become popular?
 - Plasma weapons

In 2062, a famous comic book publisher founded their own holotape game studio. Which publisher?
 - Hubris Comics

Issue 1 of The Unstoppables features the titular team squaring off against which notable villain?
 - Commie-kazi

Lots of toys are fun to collect, but beware foreign imports! Which new toy is suspiciously anti-American?
 - Comrade Chubs

Lucas is trying to collect all of the Nuka-Cola flavors. Which flavor is he not likely to find?
 - Nuka-Kiwi

Mark's favorite comic series is the Backwoodsman. What is the tagline for this series?
 - Thrilling, True Stories for Rugged Men

Mikey is looking to expand his holotape game collection. There's a magazine that can help with that! Which magazine should he keep his eyes out for?
 - RobCo Fun

Noah has, after many long years, finally completed his collection of Vault-Tec bobbleheads. But which one would you NOT find in his collection?
 - Good Vibes

Olivia says she has a complete set of Mr. Fuzzy plush dolls. Which doll would you NOT find in her collection?
 - I Want to Go Home Mr. Fuzzy

The Unstoppables series features many famous comic book heroes teaming up to fight together. Which of the following is NOT a member of the Unstoppables?
 - Professor Platypus

Uh, oh! Timmy got caught with an issue of Tumblers Today. That's a magazine dedicated to which illicit act?
 - Lockpicking

What was the original cover price of an issue of Astoundingly Awesome Tales?
 - 29

Which creature was NOT featured in an issue of Astonishing Tales?
 - The Mega Sloth

Which magazine once featured an article on Robots Ruling the World?
 - Tesla Magazine

Which studio developed the classic holotape games Atomic Command and Automatron?
 - Planned Diversion Programming

Which villain was featured in issue #2 of Grognak the Barbarian?
 - The Trickster
Wilson Atomatoys made which famous toy line?
 - Giddyup Buttercup


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