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Tadpole Exams - Archer

 Alice is taking aim at her target when she notices her rival Annie retrieving arrows from the target in the next lane. What should Alice do?
 - Aim the bow downward and slowly release tension on the bowstring

An arrow is made of four parts - which is NOT one of them?
 - Shell

Bows and arrows have been used for a long time! Around when do researchers say the first bows and arrows were created?
 - 64,000 years ago

Commies have invaded! Alex is a champion archer and wants to defend his country. What type of arrows should Alex use to penetrate the thick armor of the communist swine?
 - Bodkin Point

Gene practices shooting his crossbow every day after work to prepare himself for the looming red menace. Gene is a(n)...
 - Arbalist

It's the last shot in a tournament. You pull the bowstring back, breathe steadily, focus, and release. You hear the crowd roar as they see the bullseye you just hit! How many points did you score?
 - 10

Lisa studies and practices archery regularly. She talks about archery all the time and is honestly kind of annoying about it. Lisa is a(n)...
 - Toxophilite

Only one person is truly responsible for your safety and the safety of others while on the range. Who is it?
 - You

Richie is on the range and has finished shooting all of his arrows. What should he do now?
 - Wait for the all-clear signal from the supervising Mr. Handy

Robbie is planning a bow-hunting trip to Seneca Rocks with his dad where they'll be hunting white-tailed deer. What type of arrowheads should they bring with them?
 - Broadhead Point

The ballista was invented thousands of years ago in a Greek town called Syracuse. It is essentially a large version of what type of bow?
 - Crossbow

While on the shooting line you hear the Mr. Handy instructor sound a whistle blow three times. How should you react?
 - Walk forward and retrieve your arrows

You overhear a camp counselor bragging that they shot an arrow 320 per second. What type of unit were they most likely using to determine arrow speed?
 - FPS (Feet Per Second)

You spot Billy at the end of the range with an apple on his head while Danny takes aim. What advice do you give?
 - None of the above

You're at an archery tournament when you see your favorite archer telescoping an arrow - wow! How do you describe this feat to your best friend?
 - He shot an arrow which hit another arrow, splitting it down the middle!

You're competing in an archery tournament at Camp Lewis. On the final shot, you land an arrow on the inner red ring - so close! How many points was this shot worth?
 - 8

You're crafting a crossbow at a nearby weapons workbench - which component will you NOT need for this project?
 - Compressor

You're excited for your first big trip to the archery range at Camp Adams - hurray! One problem - you have a handful of sharp arrows. What type of bag should you carry the arrows in?
 - Quiver

You're hiking through the woods when you spot your weird neighbor Jimmy blindly firing arrows into the sky. What should you do?
 - Find the nearest overhead cover and demand Jimmy lay down his bow

Your best friend Johnny's dad spends his weekends crafting and selling bows. You've been saving your allowance for months to purchase a bow from such a gifted...
 - Bowyer


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Hogyan vigyek haza háziállatot? ( pet )

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