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Possum Exams - Leatherworker


Pass Leatherworker knowledge exam at an exam terminalVálaszolj az exams kérdésekre
Craft Leather Chest Piece armorGyárts: bőrből törzs páncélt
Craft Leather Left Arm armorbal kar páncélt
Craft Leather Left Leg armorbal láb páncélt
Craft Leather Right Arm armorjobb kar páncélt
Craft Leather Right Leg armorjobb láb páncélt
Build a bear skin rug in a Workshop or C.A.M.P.Kempeden vagy workshopban építs medve szőnyeget
Build a Fertilizer Producer in a Workshop or C.A.M.P.Kempeden vagy workshopban építs fertilizer gyártót
Build an armor workbench in a Workshop or C.A.M.P.Kempeden vagy workshopban építs armor munkapadot
Build taxidermy items in a Workshop or C.A.M.P. (x/3)Kempeden vagy workshopban építs taxidermy tárgyat ez lehet állat fej a falra pl
Mod Leather Armor (x/5)Módosíts 5x bőr páncélt
Scrap Brahmin Hide (x/5)Zúzz le 5 db tehén bőrt
Scrap Deathclaw Hide (x/5)Zúzz le 5 db deathclaw bőrt
Scrap Radstag Hide (x/5)Zúzz le 5 db szarvas bőrt
Scrap Yao Guai Hide (x/5)Zúzz le  5 db medve bőrt
Take a camera picture of a Mounted Cat Head at Van Lowe TaxidermyFényképezd le Taxydermyben a kiállított macska fejet
Take a camera picture of Mounted Brahmin Heads at Black Bear LodgeFényképezd le Black Bear Lodgeben a kiállított tehén fejet
Take a camera picture of Mounted Radstag Heads at Appalachian AntiquesFényképezd le Appalachia Antiquesben a kiállított szarvas fejet
Válaszok - Exams:

 "Cuir bouilli", or "boiled leather" is a way of treating wet leather so that it has what properties when dry?
 - It holds its shape

Brendan lost his thong while working leather in his workshop. Now he has to look all over for it! What exactly did Brendan lose?
 - A strip of leather

Brendan wants to press a cool dragon pattern into his new leather belt. What's the term for pressing a pattern or design into leather?
 - Tooling

Different kinds of animal hides make leather with different kinds of properties. Jacob wants to use a soft leather to craft a luxury item. What animal's hide is often used for making luxury leather items?
 - Deer

Erin is making a leather jacket and needs to decide how she wants to lace some material. What is lacing?
 - A decorative way of sewing leather

Hannah is apprenticed to a "currier", a professional who processes leather. Which of the following leather processing steps is NOT the job of a currier?
 - Making leather fruit snacks

Leatherworkers use something called "dubbin", which comes in a little tin, to condition and waterproof leather. What is dubbin, exactly?
 - A wax rubbed into the leather

Mark is digging through his attic and discovers an old vellum parchment. A treasure map, maybe? But Mark is more interested in the vellum! "Vellum" is a Latin word that means what?
 - Made of calf

Mark is making himself comfy new shoes out of a soft leather product called "suede". Where on an animal's hide can Mark get the leather for his suede?
 - The underside

Red Chinese officers carry swords prized as trophies by our brave fighting men and women. Historically, intricate sword grips were wrapped in leather made from which creature?
 - The stingray

Robert is putting the final touches on his piece of tanned leather by oiling, polishing, and buffing it. What is this last step in the leatherworking process called?
 - Finishing

Sally has an animal hide that hasn't yet been tanned. But it's still useful! Leatherworkers use these for everything from drumheads to lampshades. What do you call this kind of hide?
 - Rawhide

Sally just skinned a fresh carcass and now has a raw hide to turn into leather. What process will she use to transform the raw hide into leather?
 - Tanning

Sometimes leatherworkers will add a rough pattern to their work to make it seem more natural or appealing. What do you call this process?
 - Graining

Susie's favorite part of working leather is when she gets to die it just the right color. Is there any color that you can't dye leather?
 - No

Tanning is an integral part of leatherworking. It even gets its own building! What do you call a building used for tanning leather?
 - A tannery

Untreated animal hides have uses, but tanning is done for a reason! What's a major benefit of tanning a hide?
 - It decomposes less

When it comes to making leather twist and bend, there's no better technique than "skiving". What does skiving do?
 - Makes the leather thinner without weakening it

When stitching a seam in leather, you can stitch in such a way that both sides are exposed. What is this kind of stitching called?
 - Saddle stitching

You can make leather from the hide of any animal, but some animals are more popular with leatherworkers. Which animal is the most popular source of hides for leatherworking?
 - Cows


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