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Tadpole Exams - Athlete

 Alfonso is interested in football. He's a tall natural leader with a strong arm, and he knows every play in the book. What position would be best for Alfonso?
 - Quarterback

As a cross country runner, you might be called a "harrier". What is a harrier?
 - A dog

Barry is a strong baseball player who hits lots of home runs. What's the highest number of runs Barry can score on a single home run?
 - 4

Before a friendly kickball match, Samuel offers you a suspicious looking pill that you think may be Buffout. How do you respond?
 - Refuse and report him to the Scoutmaster

Brendan is a fast runner. Really fast! He might even run in the Olympics someday. Which sprinting event should he NOT train for if he wants to run an Olympic event?
 - 10000 meter dash

Hannah is training for a pentathlon, an event used to prepare athletes for the rigors of warfare. How many sports will she need to train for in order to compete?
 - 5

James wants to join the Army and fight the Reds, but he's out of shape. Eventually, he'll have to pass the Army's physical fitness test, which could be hard for him. Which of the following does he NOT he have to worry about being in the test?
 - Pull-ups

Like to throw things? Who doesn't! In fact, there's probably a sport for throwing your favorite object. Which of these is thrown for sport?
 - Javelin

Mark's favorite athletic event is wrestling. He idolizes famous wrestlers and wants to wrestle just like them. Which of these US Presidents has a reputation as a wrestler?
 - Abraham Lincoln

Most athletes bulk up by lifting weights, but weightlifting itself is a competition as well! Only a few lifts are used in Olympic weightlifting, however. Which of these lifts is no longer used?
 - The clean and jerk

Ricky loves riding his bicycle. He rides so much, he could probably compete in a Grand Tour! But there are a lot of stages to each Grand Tour event. How many?
 - 21

Susie is taking part in a long jump competition. She takes a running start, but stumbles at the last minute and only makes it three feet! How embarrassing, when the longest long jumpers can jump how far?
 - 29 feet

The "shot put" event uses a heavy sphere called a "shot". What do you do to the "shot" in this event?
 - Put it

You're competing in a track and field race and have lined up at the starting line. An official will signal to begin. How does he do this?
 - Firing a starting gun

You're entering a marathon for charity and are set to run on the streets of Charleston. How far will you be running?
 - 26.219 miles

You're going rock climbing with Mary, when she slips and begins to fall! Luckily, she's brought to a stop by a device attached to her rope. What is this device called?
 - A belay device

You're on first base in a baseball game and decide to steal second base. How far do you have to run to get there?
 - 90 feet

You're playing ice hockey, and after checking a star player into the boards you're approached by a menacing figure who picks a fight with you. What is the name of this person's unofficial role on a hockey team?
 - Enforcer

You're training for a marathon, and decide to push yourself to see how long you can run. Despite your best efforts, you can only go so far. What substance builds up in your muscles and causes this?
 - Lactic acid

You've been running laps around the Charleston capital building for exercise and have noticed that after running long enough you start to feel really good. What is this sensation called?
 - Runner's high


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