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Possum Exams - Metalworker


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Craft Metal Chest Piece armorGyárts fém törzs páncélt
Craft Metal Left Arm armorbal kar páncélt
Craft Metal Left Leg armorbal láb péncélt
Craft Metal Right Arm armorjobb kar páncélt
Craft Metal Right Leg armorjobb láb páncélt
Smelt Aluminum Ore (x/30)gyűjts 30 db aluminium orét
Smelt Black Titanium Ore (x/30)gyűjts 30 db black titanium oret
Smelt Copper Ore (x/30)gyűjts 30db copper orét
Smelt Silver Ore (x/30)gyűjts 30 db silver orét
Craft a sword (x/5)gyárts 5 db sword (síléc)
Scrap a heavy gun (x/5)Zúzz le 5 db nehéz fegyvert
Melt Robots with a Flamer (x/50)Őlj meg 50 robotot lángszóróval
Visit Grafton Steel YardMenj el Grafton Steel Yardba
Visit Top of the WorldMenj el Top of the Worldbe

Válaszok - exams: 

 Blast furnaces smelt metal on an industrial scale. They work by feeding fuel, ore, and limestone in the top while a "blast" of what is blown into the bottom?
 - Hot air

Brendan is learning to rivet. He learns that a fastened rivet has two "heads". It starts with and one, and the other is made during fastening. What do you call a rivet's second head?
 - A shop head

Erin is learning blacksmithing from her uncle. When working the forge, she uses a device called a "bellows" on the fire. What is the main purpose of a bellows?
 - Feeding the fire with air

Hannah prefers using machine tools when tinkering with metal objects in her workshop. They're so much more convenient than hand tools! What metalworking occupation would be a perfect fit for Hannah?
 - Machinist

Mary is assigned to a welding line in her factory, where she fuses metal things together with a special tool. What is her welding tool called?
 - A torch

Metalworking takes a lot of different tools to do properly, and your workshop is filled with them! Which of these tools is useful in metalworking?
 - All of the above

Metalworking uses certain general processes that modify worked metal. Which of the following is NOT one of these processes?
 - Gelding

Samuel is in charge of operating a smelter at the factory where he works after school. Smelters use a special fuel with lots of carbon, and Samuel needs more to keep his smelter running. What is the name of the fuel he's looking for?
 - Coke

Some metals are easier to find than others, so people have been mining them for a long time. Which of these did ancient metalworkers NOT know about?
 - Platinum

Sometimes metalworkers combine different metals to make something entirely new. What do you call this new thing?
 - An alloy

Sometimes, metalworkers form metal into flat pieces to be worked later. What is this kind of metal called?
 - Sheet metal

Susie is experimenting with working bronze into a sculpture. In order to make her sculpture, she needs to shape molten metal with a mold. What do you call this process?
 - Casting

Susie is fascinated by metal casting: making things by molding molten metal. Where could she work that specializes in metal casting?
 - A foundry

You're doing your patriotic duty by volunteering at a steelworks during wartime. What might your service make that gives our fighting men an edge?
 - All of the above

You're lacking for metalworking materials to use in your workshop. Luckily, there are all kinds of things lying around the house that make good scrap! Which of the following everyday objects can be scrapped for metal?
 - All of the above

You're looking to get into the metalworking trade as a steel worker. Where in Appalachia could you go to find a large steelyard looking for workers?
 - Grafton

You're working in a factory, making weapons to help the war effort. A lot can affect your productivity, but what is the biggest threat to your output?
 - Union-organized strikes

You're working on shaping a metal component by "milling" it. How does "milling" shape metal?
 - Removing material

You've received a shipment of iron ore to your steelyard, and need to get the metal out of the rock. What can you use to do this?
 - A smelter

Your ironworks has smelted its shipment of raw iron into something called "pig iron". The next step is to turn the "pig iron" into an important end product. What end product?
 - Steel


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