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Possum Exams - Rail Enthusiast


Pass “Rail Enthusiast” knowledge exam at an exam terminalVálaszolj az exams kérdésekre
Blow the whistle on the locomotive in Harpers FerryHarpers Ferryben aktiváld a vonat sípot 
Craft Railway Spikes (x/50)Gyárts 50 db Railway spikes (ammo)
Kill enemies with a Railway Rifle (x/50)Ölj 50 ellenséget Railway Rifle-lel
Kill enemies at the Charleston Trainyard (x/15)Ölj 15 ellenséget Charlston Trainyardnál
Kill enemies at the Flooded Trainyard (x/15)Ölj 15 ellenséget Flooded Trainyardnál
Kill enemies at the Morgantown Trainyard (x/15)Ölj 15 ellenséget Morgantown Trainyardnál
Kill enemies at the Mount Blair Trainyard (x/15)Ölj 15 ellenséget Mount Blair Trainyardnál
Kill enemies at the New Appalachian Central Trainyard (x/15)Ölj 15 ellenséget New Appalachian Central Trainyardnál
 - Látogass el ezekre a helyekre: 
Visit Berkeley Springs Station
Visit Charleston Station
Visit Grafton Station
Visit Lewisburg Station
Visit Morgantown Station
Visit Pleasant Valley Station
Visit R&G Station
Visit Sunnytop Station
Visit Sutton Station
Visit Watoga Station
Visit Welch Station
Visit The Whitespring Station
Válaszok - exams:

 A "derailer" is a device attached to train tracks with a very specific purpose. What does a derailer do that's useful for railway workers?
 - Derails trains when they enter unauthorized areas

Amazingly, we in America aren't the only ones that have a transcontinental railroad! Which famous railway connects the Russian capital to the Far East?
 - The Trans-Siberian Railway

America has a lot of track and trains, but our railway system isn't the oldest in the world. Which country was the first to build a major railway system?
 - The United Kingdom

As America's transcontinental railroad grew westward across the American landscape, lawless towns full of grit and debauchery sprung up in its wake. What did people call these towns?
 - Hell on Wheels

Early locomotives often carried their fuel in special cars, pulled behind the engine for easy access. What was the name for these cars?
 - Tenders

Hannah is driving a train from Whitespring to Sunnytop at 50 mph, and Samuel from Sutton to Morgantown at 60 mph. If they both leave at noon, when will they collide in a fiery crash?
 - Never

In 1934, a steam locomotive called the "Flying Scotsman" set a world speed record for steam trains. How fast did it go when setting its record?
 - 100 mph

Locomotives travel on a set of two rails called "track". It's easy to forget, but the spacing of this track is very important! What's the name for the spacing of a track's rails?
 - Track gauge

Managing a train is a difficult operation. Keeping everything on schedule, taking tickets, even paperwork! What do you call the person on the train who has to handle all these things?
 - The conductor

Nowadays, most of our vehicles are powered by nuclear reactors. But when locomotives were invented, they used a different kind of fuel entirely! What fuel source powered early trains?
 - Coal

Roberto needs a little extra power to get his train up the steep mountains in Appalachia, so he "double heads" his train. What is "double heading"?
 - Using two locomotives for extra power

Sally is conducting a train on its way through Appalachia. She needs to stop and pick up a cargo load of coal. Where's the best place to do this?
 - The Mount Blair Trainyard

Some train engines are equipped with a pointed metal device on the front. What's this thing called?
 - A cow catcher

Susie's favorite holotape stories are always about mysterious strangers in the shadows, and great detectives solving impossible cases. What famous railroad became synonymous with mystery and luxury in the late 19th century?
 - The Orient Express

The first working railway locomotive was unveiled in Europe in the 19th century. What revolutionary new engine powered this locomotive?
 - A steam engine

What was the most track laid in one day during the construction of America's transcontinental railroad?
 - 10 miles

When Hao visits San Francisco, she loves to ride the trolley cars up and down the hills to see the sights. Trolleys are a kind of rail vehicle once common in cities, and are usually powered by what source?
 - Electricity

When Samuel grows up, he wants nothing more than to be a Ferroequinologist. What on Earth is a Ferroequinologist?
 - Someone who studies trains

When no-good outlaws robbed trains in the Old West, a common target was the money held in express car safes. Whose job was it to make sure the cargo in the express cars got delivered?
 - An expressman's

When rail travel first took off, the United States made building a transcontinental railroad a priority. What was a major reason that such a railroad became important?
 - Gold was discovered in California


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