Ugrás a fő tartalomra

Tadpole Exams - Hunter

 A black bear has been stealing food from your campsite and you want to rig a trap to catch it. What kind of trap do you use?
 - A leg-hold trap

Alex takes aim at a boar with his hunting rifle, but when he squeezes the trigger his gun explodes! How could Alex have prevented this?
 - Maintained his firearm properly

Alfonso wants to go hunting commies. He has four dog breeds available as possible hunting companions. Which would you pick to track a human?
 - Bloodhound

Brendan wants to hook bass on Summersville Lake. When should he go to get the most bites?
 - None of the above

Hannah is hunting game, but her tracking skills aren't the best. She asks you if you have any leads. Where might she start looking?
 - A trail or desire path:

Mark is reading up on birds to hunt. Some birds have been hunted so much that they're all gone! Which of these was hunted to extinction in the 1900s?
 - The passenger pideon

Mary loves rabbits. They're so cute and furry, and the way they hop makes her laugh! She decides to trap a rabbit to take home as a pet. Which of these traps would be effective?
 - A snare

Samuel wants to go duck hunting, but can't decide which gun to bring. What would you recommend?
 - Shotgun

Susie loves deer and their silky coats. She decides to tan a deer hide to put in her cabin. Which type of skinning should she use to prepare a deer for tanning?
 - Open skinning

The government in Charleston decides it's open season to hunt naked mole-rats in Appalachia. This is because they are what kind of species here?
 - Invasive

There are many different ways that you can catch a fish. Which one of these is NOT a proper technique?
 - Using your boot to stomp on them

When hiking in the woods, always be prepared for an encounter with Appalachia's most powerful predator the bear. Which kind of bear is most common in Appalachia?
 - American black bear

You meet Brendan out deer hunting, but know he doesn't have a license. He says that he's been hunting before and that everything will be fine. What do you do?
 - Turn him in for poaching

You're bird hunting on Summersville Lake, but can't get close enough to take a good shot. What could you use to lure birds closer?
 - Decoys

You're going hunting with your great-great-grandfather's old-fashioned black powder rifle. What do you need to bring to reload?
 - A ramrod

You're hunting in the forest and want to lie low and wait for game to come to you. What could you use to help stay hidden?
 - A blind

You're in a good hunting spot and waiting for game to appear when you hear a sharp barking sound. Which animal probably made this call?
 - A red fox

You're looking to harvest some salmon to create bear bait. When Salmon reproduce, they gather in large numbers. Where can you find them at this time?
 - Freshwater rivers

You're tracking an animal through the forest when you feel something squishy beneath your feet... Looks like you've stepped in pellet shaped droppings. Which of these animals probably left them?
 - A deer

You've decided to go hunting and need to bring the right caliber ammo for your hunting rifle. What caliber do you bring?
 - 308 caliber

You've taken your kill back to the butcher, and he explains the different cuts of meat on the animal. Which of these cuts comes from the animal's leg?
 - Shank


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