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Possum Exams - Photographer


Pass “Photographer” knowledge exam at an exam terminal
Mod a CameraMódosítsd a fényképezőgéped
Craft camera film (x/50)Gyárts 50 db filmet
Take a camera picture of the Charleston Capital BuildingFotózd le: Charleston Capital Buildig
Take a camera picture of Grafton DamGrafton Dam
Take a camera picture of Top of the WorldTop of teh world
Take a camera picture of a WendigoWendigo
Take a camera picture while it’s foggyFoggy - mikor köd van
Take a camera picture while it’s rainingRaining - mikor esik az eső
Take a camera picture at sunriseSunrise - süt a nap
Take a camera picture at sunsetSunset - napnyugta
Take a camera picture at nightNight - este

Ügyelj rá, hogy mikor fényképezel, a jobb fölső sarokban írja ki a játék, amit épen fotózol, különben érvénytelen a fotó! 
Válaszok - exams: 

 A photograph is taken by projecting light onto a photographic surface. What is the most common photographic surface used?
 - Film

After a long day of taking photographs, Mark takes his film back to his lab to process it. He uses a special room to do so. What do you call this special room?
 - A darkroom

Alfonso likes to sleep in, so he always keeps his room as dark as possible. One day, he wakes up to find an upside down image of his neighbor's house projected onto his wall! What do you call this crazy phenomenon?
 - Camera obscura

Brendan took a photo of his cat Snippers that looked "washed out", or too bright. It turns out his picture was "overexposed". What is "exposure" in photography?
 - How much light reaches the film

Cameras work by focusing light onto a surface that records the image. What does the camera use to focus light?
 - A lens

Erin is a little superstitious, so she's very curious about the supernatural side of photography. When photography was brand new, she says, spiritualists were interested because they thought photographs of people let you see what?
 -Their soul

Frenchman Louis Daguerre developed an early form of photography using chemicals and silver-plated copper. What was the name of his process?
 - Daguerreotypy

Hannah is trying to make her own photographic film. She needs to coat the film in a gelatin that has light-sensitive crystals in it. What kind of crystals should she use?
 - Silver halide

Nicephore Niepce pioneered photoengraving, a predecessor of photography. When did he make his first major breakthrough?
 - 1822

On your family vacation to Summersville, you find a lost camera on a park bench. After developing the photographs, you discover that they're sensitive pictures of Camp McClintock! What do you do?
 - Turn them in to the authorities

Photography projects light onto a surface to create a visible image, but the surface must be sensitive to light for this to happen. What's another word for light-sensitivity?
 - Photosensitivity

Richard is taking long-exposure photos of the night sky to make cool trails of light in his pictures. What does Richard adjust on his camera to take long-exposure photographs?
 - Its shutter speed

Samuel is helping out at Vault-Tec University by sorting through their old nitrate film collection. He stops to take a smoke break and lights up a cigarette. But wait! That's really dangerous! Why?
 - Nitrate film is very flammable

Susie likes to take pictures, and her favorite subjects are people. She has you sit in a boring pose and takes your picture. What is this kind of picture called?
 - A portrait

When Mary takes a picture with her camera, it creates a photographic "negative" that she then processes. What is the main benefit of producing this negative?
 - Making positive photos from it

When light travels through a camera lens and hits the film behind, it goes through a hole on the front of the camera that sets how much light gets through. What is this hole called?
 - An aperture

When you take a picture, an invisible image forms on the photographic film that only shows up after processing. What is this invisible image called?
 - Latent

You're taking pictures of Mark, but he seems blurry when looking through the viewfinder. You can make an adjustment to the lens' range to make him look clearer. What are you adjusting when you do this?
 - The focus

You've finished the photographic process by producing a photographic image on paper! What is this paper image called?
 - A print

You've taken a photograph and want to make an image from the film. What is the name for process?


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